What to do about hair loss or hair fall?

What to do about hair loss or hair fall?

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What to do about hair loss or hair fall?

1. Hair loss with what products choose anti-hair loss shampoo

One of the ways to prevent hair loss anti-hair loss shampoo, specifically for hair loss, hair breakage, and other scalp lack of nutrients and hair shampoo, can replenish the hair loss lack of vitamins proteins, and other nutrients, to stimulate hair growth, reduce the severity of hair loss until it returns to normal. Hair washing interval of 2-5 days is good.

1.1. Choose an anti-static comb

The selection of friction with a static electricity comb will also increase the number of hair loss. Selection of a wooden comb or horn comb will reduce hair loss because sandalwood comb or horn comb will reduce the friction with the scalp, scalp massage effect on the scalp to protect the scalp, reduce hair loss, and sandalwood comb or horn comb can be according to their strength to massage the scalp, stimulate the development of hair follicles.

Comb brand recommendation: Geeshair

1.2. Choose a nourishing conditioner

Hair loss of short hair is a very important factor in the lack of hair nutrition, especially permed and dyed hair, you should choose a brand of high-quality nourishing conditioner to supplement the lack of hair nutrition, not only to prevent hair loss but also repair dry and other hair damage, every time you wash your hair should be evenly coated to the head, to be absorbed a certain amount of time and then washed off with water.

1.3. Choose a negative ion hair dryer

People with hair loss phenomenon try not to use or less use hair dryer to blow their hair, long time high-temperature close blowing easily damages the hair, so must choose the hair dryer, it is recommended to choose a negative ion or water ion hair dryer, the ion is a kind of negatively charged ions particles, can be neutralized and the hair in the often positive charge, to eliminate static, smoothing messy hair, so that the hair fit and smooth.

2. Eat what food is good for hair

2.1. Black sesame, black beans, black rice.

Black food in cereals is extremely beneficial to hair. Black sesame contains a lot of oleic acid, folic acid, protein, palmitic acid, vitamin E, calcium, and other trace ingredients needed by the hair. It has a nourishing effect on the scalp. Not only inhibits hair loss but also lets the hair get rid of dry and yellow, restoring soft and bright hydration. In addition to cereals, black fungus is also very good for hair.

2.2. Walnuts, sunflower seeds, and other nuts

Walnuts, peanuts, sunflower seeds, sultanas, and other nuts. Cystine deficiency is one of the causes of hair loss. The best way to replenish cysteine is to eat nuts. Nuts are nutritious, tasty, and good for your hair, so it's a win-win situation.

2.3. Seafood such as kelp and clams

Iodine stimulates the thyroid gland to secrete adenosine, which makes hair dark and beautiful and strengthens the hair roots, thus reducing hair loss. Seafoods such as seaweed, kelp, and clams are rich in iodine, but some freshwater products are relatively less nutritious.

2.4. Iron-rich foods such as animal liver

Iron-rich foods such as aubergines, egg yolks, animal liver, bananas, carrots, potatoes, spinach, celery, and so on. Blood is the root of hair, and iron is the main component of hemoglobin. So to prevent hair loss from dietary iron supplements is very necessary.

2.5. Vitamin-rich fruits and vegetables

Containing vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin E, and vitamin B1, all have the effect of hair nutrition. Can promote scalp metabolism, and accelerate the growth of hair. Such as lettuce, almonds, walnuts, spinach, carrots, mango, apricots, apples, wheat, tomatoes, lentils, and so on.

2.6. Protein-rich fish, meat, beans, etc.

Protein-rich foods such as eggs, fish, soy products, etc. The main component of hair is a protein containing sulfur amino acids, the lack of protein hair dry yellow and dry, and hair is fragile, which leads to hair loss very easily. Therefore, to prevent hair loss, we must start by replenishing protein.

3. Hair transplantation

Hair follicles from the back of the head are taken as the source of hair, separated into single or multiple follicular units, and then transplanted to the parts that need to be transplanted, such as the head, eyebrow, eyelashes, mustache, chest, eyelashes, pubic area, etc., through fine microsurgical techniques, so that they can survive and grow naturally in the new parts, thus achieving the purpose of fixing the density of the local distribution of hair to achieve aesthetic results.

4. Daily care methods

4.1. Cigarettes and alcohol should not be too much

Nicotine in cigarettes will cause poor blood circulation, accelerating hair thinning or hair loss; moderate drinking to promote blood circulation, and hair growth is favorable; excessive draining of oxygen and nutrients in the blood role.

4.2. Eat less spicy food

Eating too greasy and too spicy and ingesting too much oily food makes the sebaceous glands secrete too much and become blocked; eating too spicy things will cause dry hair; eating too sweet will speed up bacterial reproduction.

4.3. Reduce the use of mobile phones and computers

Frequently on the computer and mobile phones hair loss, the brain is easy to excite and radiation, and hair growth related to endocrine function disorders, so that the nutritional supply of hair obstacles, resulting in increased brittleness of the hair and easy to fall off.

4.4. Stay up late and exercise more

Lack of sleep is not conducive to metabolic endocrine loss, oil secretion is affected, and the burden of hair follicles increases, affecting hair growth, and seborrheic alopecia is more to understand this point. More exercise is conducive to accelerating the metabolism, and excretion of toxic substances.

4.5. Reduce the number of dyed and permed hair

Frequent hair dyeing and perming will make the hair lose its luster and elasticity and even become yellow and withered, and the hair will easily fall out due to lack of nutrients. Hair dyeing and perming intervals should be at least 3 months or more.

4.6. Keep a relaxed mind

The rejuvenation of male pattern baldness is inextricably linked to excessive stress and inadequate sleep. High stress, long-term tension, anxiety, and fatigue lead to poor sleep quality, which will aggravate hair loss. Relaxing the mind and improving the quality of sleep can help improve hair loss.

5. Tips to prevent hair loss

"Stroke your hair, grab a small handful" is how many hair loss or even hair loss people's true portrayal. Although there is a beautiful saying that hair loss people are very smart, most of my friends of hair loss, I am afraid that they do not feel too smart, but also do not want to be very smart, right? Hairless, hair loss will make the appearance of a big discount, and a psychological inferiority complex, at this time understanding the causes of hair loss, to finding ways to prevent hair loss hair loss is very important. The following 5 points are for you to collate on the nudging anti-hair loss tips, I hope you have reference value.

  • The operator with both thumbs and thumb pressure patients on both sides of the spine of the liver point, that is, the ninth thoracic vertebrae spinous process next to open 1.5 inches, so that the patient feels some of the point of soreness, and then the operator wrist relaxation, with the forearm for the initiative to swing, drive the wrist and palm fingers for clockwise kneading 100 times, the technique should be gentle and gentle. Then use the same method to press and knead the kidney point, that is, the second lumbar vertebrae spinous process next to open 1. inch.

  • With the right thumb to press the sea point, that is, the right lower limb skeleton on the upper corner of the 2 inches, the patient feels soreness and distension when the clockwise kneading 20 times. Then use the left thumb to press the left Blood Sea point in the same way.

  • With the right thumb pressing the right Sanyinjiao point, that is, the right lower limb 3 inches above the ankle, the patient feels soreness and distension when the clockwise kneading 20 times. Then use the left thumb to press the left Sanyinjiao point in the same way.

  • Use the middle finger of the right hand to press and knead the top of the head in the middle of the Hundred Points, when the patient feels soreness and distension, make clockwise kneading 20 times.

  • With the middle finger of both hands press the occipital bone thick Chong Chong straight down between the hollow and mastoid process of the Fengchi point, and feel the soreness and distension of the clockwise kneading 20 times.




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